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The Northwood Perspective

Northwood Staff Profile: Eric Feltrin

Eric Feltrin

What did you do before joining Northwood?

I studied Business Administration at Wilfrid Laurier University. As part of the co-op program, I joined PwC during second year where I subsequently worked three terms during school and joined PwC full time after graduation. I was involved as an Orientation Week Leader throughout my upper years at university, and with some friends I also started a student club to support Make-A-Wish Canada.

What attracted you to the multi-family office business?

After applying for my CPA, CA designation at PwC, I took a month-long trip in Spain and Portugal and started to look into the next move in my career. I wasn’t interested in the roles I was typically pitched by recruiters, which were generally in the areas of financial reporting, internal audit, and FP&A. I must have searched hundreds of postings, but only one stood it. A friend sent me a posting for Northwood and one other multi-family office that he thought might be right up my alley. However, at the time neither of us knew what a multi-family office was, and I only learned more about it during the (lengthy) interview process. I’m not sure if it’s because I’ve worked in the field for two and a half years now, but it seems to me that the field has grown substantially during that time and awareness of what a multi-family office is has increased.

How has your mindset as an investor changed since joining Northwood?

I have adopted the goals-based mindset that forms the basis of Northwood’s philosophy in my own life, and have moved away from the speculative, highly volatile stocks I used to own. I was very thankful for this fact when the market downturn occurred in March 2020 and I was able to continue sleeping well at night based on how my portfolio was positioned relative to my goals (although it was still not a fun time whatsoever).

Eric Feltrin

Other than Netflix/Crave, what have you been doing to keep busy and occupied during the pandemic?

My main form of entertainment has largely been going for long walks after work with my girlfriend. However, after the thousandth time walking on Queen’s Quay in downtown Toronto, we had to start driving to another area of the city just to walk there and get a change of scene/avoid the Groundhog Day feeling that had developed over time. Skiing during the Winter was also great once the hills opened back up in February.

What are you most looking forward to when the world returns to normal?

The number one thing I’m looking forward to is being able to travel again. I have been anxious to get away once I have received my vaccine doses and I may have annoyed a few friends in trying to make plans a long way out in a highly uncertain future.Other than that, being able to reunite with friends and family on a more regular basis and getting back to exploring the great restaurants and breweries in the city is how I envision my ideal summer this year.


Eric Feltrin

Eric is a member of the client service team at Northwood, working with client families in the areas of financial planning, investment management, and taxation. Prior to joining Northwood, Eric worked at PwC LLP within their assurance services group, specializing in serving public and private clients within the asset management and real estate industries.

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