The Perspective Blog
The Northwood Perspective

Northwood Family Office Operations Update

CC Shaver

As the COVID-19 landscape continues to evolve, Northwood remains committed to making agile decisions as well as staying in communication and being transparent with our clients and staff.

Our team continues to work remotely, and it is business as usual. Our technology is robust, we have strong cybersecurity and privacy protocols, and our staff has the flexibility to work effectively from a remote workspace.  

Since COVID began, we have welcomed eleven new staff members to the Northwood family. We have added additional client service staff to meet increasing growth demands and expectations, and built out our business development and communications. We’re incredibly proud of our virtual onboarding and training program and continue to build a strong Northwood firm culture with our new employees.  

Like many other firms, we have postponed any formal plans to return to the office in person as we continue to prioritize the health and safety of our employees and evaluate new information as it becomes available. In preparation for the eventual return to the office, we have implemented a mandatory vaccination policy and actively follow updates to public health guidance. In order to promote connectivity and team interaction, we have encouraged staff that feel comfortable to get together informally for lunches and office visits. The most surprising part of these ‘meet and greets’ is finding out how tall one of your new work colleagues is in person. We all appear to be the same height in our weekly virtual firm-wide calls!  

Although COVID has been a challenging time for everyone, we recognize that this pandemic has had particularly devastating impacts on countries and communities who are poor or otherwise at-risk. Northwood has donated to Community Food Centers Canada in acknowledgement of the severe shortage of critical food resources to communities affected. We have also donated to Amref Health Africa to support the much-needed supply of vaccinations in the African continent. This allows us, in a small way, to stand in solidarity and support with those affected by the virus in Canada and around the globe.  

We will continue to navigate through these uncertain times with confidence, care and wisdom and we will continue to tailor our approach to meet our clients’ needs whatever the future brings.


CC Shaver

As VP of Operations and Finance, CC oversees Northwood’s financial management, compliance, HR and systems. Prior to joining Northwood, CC had recently relocated to Canada after spending 13 years as an expat in Bermuda and London, UK. Prior to her relocation, she was at XL Group Investments, Ltd. as ‘VP –Reporting’ where she was responsible for all investment reporting.

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